HK allows shipping fee refund under Block Registration Incentive Scheme
This policy will fuel the economy’s maritime sector.
The Marine Department is granting eligible ships refunds on fees and charges under the Block Registration Incentive Scheme following the implementation of the amended Merchant Shipping (Registration) (Fees and Charges) Regulations.
In a statement, the government said this is one of the measures set out in the Action Plan on Maritime & Port Development Strategy to support the sustainable development of Hong Kong’s maritime and port industry.
If more than one eligible ship is registered with the Hong Kong Shipping Registry within 24 months, refunds of the ship registration fee and the first-year annual tonnage charge may be given for each ship.
Each application can also cover ships with different owners and may be submitted by a shipowner, ship manager, or ship agent.
With the world's fourth-largest ship registry by gross tonnage, the department said it is time to offer block registration incentives as what other major maritime nations are doing to strengthen Hong Kong’s competitiveness.